So another new TV season is upon us. What will be a hit, and what will disappear after one showing?
Each year my
brother and I (we are huge pop culture freaks) talk about which shows we think suck (
Prison Break, oh come on, this show was gonna blow right) and which ones we love (we thought William Ficthner was killer on
Invasion, apparently we were alone on this, by the way we loved
Friday Nights Lights, and I loved
Heroes, but my brother, mmmm, not so much).
While we can usually spot quality TV, guessing which show will be a hit with America, that is a whole different ballgame.
So this year we wanted to included
you in our pop culture quiz. Check out the new offerings this fall and, tell us what shows you think are great and which ones you think will be a hit with with America*
Geekdave has set up a cool spot on his geekforce web site, so click over and
Pick The Hit.
*a hit will be a show that makes it in the Nielsen top 20 after the November sweeps. Whoever picks the most hits will win a something that is in my DVD closet. (In the case of a tie the judges will pick one winner) Contest ends 12/1/2007